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Can vs Can't

I was reading poems from Shel Silverstein's "Where the Sidewalk Ends" this evening with my kiddos and we read the following "Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen to me close...Anything can happen, child. Anything can be."

In this scary time we are hearing A LOT of those words - mustn't, don't, shouldn't - while this tying time changes our daily routine I encourage you to find the - must's, do's, should's -

just in our list of what volunteers do -

we can still listen to a patient's concerns

we can still provide a comforting presence - over the phone or with a card

we can still reminisce

we can still discuss current events

we can still sing or play music

we can still read aloud

Now is the time to brush off all the negative talk and the negative energy this virus has caused and be creative to find ways to create connection and caring and send our love back out into the world!

These actions dont need to be directed at Brighton either. How can you reconnect with old friends- lets rekindle the art of conversation and TALK on the phone vs just text messages! Smile, wave and laugh a little bigger so our neighbors can see it from 6 feet away!

As Shel said "Anything can happen" lets make that thing be BRIGHT!

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